
船方与船舶代理之间联系时,甚高频(VHF = Very High Frequency)无线电话是经常使用的一种通讯工具。代理应了解无线电通讯的一些基础常识并掌握一些专业英语词汇。一般情况下,当外勤需要使用甚高频无线电话而将频道调至规定呼叫或通话频道后,不要马上呼叫或通话,应注意静听一会儿,在确认没有其他人使用该频道后才可以开始呼叫或通话。遇有船舶求救或相关机构正在进行抢险救助通话时,必须将频道主动让出,不得占用救助抢险的频道。船舶使用无线电话通讯时常常会使用码语,外勤起码要熟记字母拼读方法。


字母 代号 发音 字母 代号 发音
A Alfa Alfah S Sierra See Alrrah
B Bravo Brah Voh T Tango Tang Go
C Charlie Char Lee U Uniform You Nee Form
D Delta Dell Tah V Victor Vik Tah
E Echo Eck Oh W Whiskey Wiss Key
F Foxtrot Foks Trot X X-ray Ecks Ray
G Golf Golf Y Yankee Yang Key
H Hotel Hoh Tell Z Zulu Zoo Loo
I India In Dee Ah 0 Nadazero Nah-Dah-Zay-Roh
J Juliett Jew Lee Ett 1 Unaone Oo-Nah-Wun
K Kilo Key Loh 2 Bissotwo Bees-Soh-Too
L Lima Lee Mah 3 Terrathree Tay-Rah-Tree
M Mike Mike 4 Kartefour Kar-Tay-Fower
N November No Vember 5 Pantafive Pan-Tah-Five
O Oscar Oss Cah 6 Soxisix Sok-See-Six
P Papa Pah Pah 7 Setteseven Say-Tay-Seven
Q Quebec Keh Beck 8 Oktoeight Ok-Toh-Ait
R Romeo Row Me Oh 9 Novenine No-Vay-Niner
小数符 Decimal Day-See-Mal 句号 Stop Stop


Please use the standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary- 请用标准航海用语
Calling- 呼叫
Over- 我讲完了,您请讲。
Out- 结束通话
This is- 这里是
Please spell- 请拼写
Go ahead- 请继续讲
Say again- 请再说一遍
Roger- 收到,明白,知道了
Stand-by- 等着,守听
Interruption- 干扰
Correction- 纠正,更正
Mistake- 错误
Repeat- 重复
Affirmative-(Yes)- 对的,正确
Negative-(No)- 错的,不对
How do you read me?- 您听我的信号如何?您听得清吗?
I read you loud and clear- 我听您的声音清楚响亮,我能听清楚。
I cannot read you- 我无法听清,我听不清。
Mayday!Mayday! Mayday!- 紧急呼救!紧急求救!救命!


Captain:“Cosmos”, “Cosmos”, “Cosmos”, this is motor vessel “Super Star” calling, do you read me? Over.

Agent: “Super Star”, “Super Star”, “Super Star”, this is “Cosmos” replying. Is that Captain speaking? Over.

Captain: Yes, this is Captain William speaking. May I speak with my agent? Over.

Agent: Roger, please wait a moment.

Boarding Agent: Motor vessel “Super Star”, “Cosmos” is calling. Over.

Captain: “Cosmos”, this is motor vessel “Super Star”, go ahead please. Over.

Boarding Agent: Captain William, good morning and welcome to Dalian. This is Wang speaking. I am your agent and will look after your good vessel during her stay in the port of Dalian. Can you please let me know your anchor time and anchor position? Over.

Captain: Good morning, Mr. Wang. It’s very nice to talk with you. My anchor time was 0645 hours this morning and anchor position is 39 degrees 01 minute 25 seconds latitude and 119 degrees 02 minutes 30
seconds longitude. Over.

Boarding Agent: Roger, anchor time was 0635 hours. Over.

Captain: Negative, my anchor time was 0645 hours, I repeat: 0645 hours. Nada zero, Soxisix, Kartefour, Pantafive. Over

Boarding Agent: Sorry, Captain, by interference, I cannot read you well. Can you please change to channel 12? Over.

Captain: Roger, shifting to channel 12. Over.

Captain: “Cosmos”, “Super Star” is calling. Over.

Boarding Agent: “Super Star”, this is Cosmos Wang speaking. Your anchor time was 0645 hours. I repeat: 0645 hours, is that correct? Over.

Captain: Affirmative, 0645 hours. Over.

Boarding Agent: Could you please give me your anchor position again by bearing and distance from the Huangbaizui Lighthouse? Over.

Captain: Roger, I will call you back 5 minutes later to give you the position on channel 12. Over.

Boarding Agent: Roger, standing by on channel 12. Over and out.

Captain: Out.

【5 minutes later】
Captain: “Cosmos”, “Cosmos”, “Super Star” is calling. Over.

Boarding Agent: “Super Star”, this is Wang from Cosmos replying, go ahead please. Over.

Captain: My anchor position is bearing 230 degrees and 4.5 miles from Huangbaizui Lighthouse. Over.

Boarding Agent: All right, I got it. It is 4.5 miles from Huangbaizui Lighthouse with bearing 230 degrees. Over.

Captain: Yes. That’s right. By the way, when will my ship get alongside? Over.

Boarding Agent: The berthing schedule is not fixed yet. The berthing plan will be announced at 11 o’clock every morning. Please keep watch on channel 25. Over.

Captain: We will stand by all the time on channel 25. Please call us when berthing schedule being fixed. Over and out.

Boarding Agent: Out.

One comment on “船舶甚高频无线电话通讯VHF介绍

  1. Alice 11/06/2008 12:32

    Ready to argue with the themes of education-all. All the same, you can very well write about it

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