【技巧分享】健伍TH28 与 TH48 通信

小弟也是新手,KENWOOD TH28Q是我的第一部电台。



船方与船舶代理之间联系时,甚高频(VHF = Very High Frequency)无线电话是经常使用的一种通讯工具。代理应了解无线电通讯的一些基础常识并掌握一些专业英语词汇。一般情况下,当外勤需要使用甚高频无线电话而将频道调至规定呼叫或通话频道后,不要马上呼叫或通话,应注意静听一会儿,在确认没有其他人使用该频道后才可以开始呼叫或通话。遇有船舶求救或相关机构正在进行抢险救助通话时,必须将频道主动让出,不得占用救助抢险的频道。船舶使用无线电话通讯时常常会使用码语,外勤起码要熟记字母拼读方法。


字母 代号 发音 字母 代号 发音
A Alfa Alfah S Sierra See Alrrah
B Bravo Brah Voh T Tango Tang Go
C Charlie Char Lee U Uniform You Nee Form
D Delta Dell Tah V Victor Vik Tah
E Echo Eck Oh W Whiskey Wiss Key
F Foxtrot Foks Trot X X-ray Ecks Ray
G Golf Golf Y Yankee Yang Key
H Hotel Hoh Tell Z Zulu Zoo Loo
I India In Dee Ah 0 Nadazero Nah-Dah-Zay-Roh
J Juliett Jew Lee Ett 1 Unaone Oo-Nah-Wun
K Kilo Key Loh 2 Bissotwo Bees-Soh-Too
L Lima Lee Mah 3 Terrathree Tay-Rah-Tree
M Mike Mike 4 Kartefour Kar-Tay-Fower
N November No Vember 5 Pantafive Pan-Tah-Five
O Oscar Oss Cah 6 Soxisix Sok-See-Six
P Papa Pah Pah 7 Setteseven Say-Tay-Seven
Q Quebec Keh Beck 8 Oktoeight Ok-Toh-Ait
R Romeo Row Me Oh 9 Novenine No-Vay-Niner
小数符 Decimal Day-See-Mal 句号 Stop Stop


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发射时(7.2V) 高档………2.0W 约950MA
(13.8V)高档…………5.0XQY 1400MA
1、射输出功率:13.8V 外接电源…………高档5.0W             中档 2.0W
7.2V PB13 电池组…………高档2.5W             低档0.5W                   极低20mW
实测值(PB13  电池组):136MHZ   140    145    150    155   160   165  170  173
H:1.7W      2.0     2.4     2.6    2.4    2.3    1.9   1.5  1.2
M:  1.7W      2.0    2.3     2 .2   1.8     1.7    1.5   1.3   1.1
L:   0.46W   0.56   0.6     0.52   0.53  0.53   0.56  0.5  0.42
频偏(F+8):  2.3K     2.5    2.8     3.2     3.5     4.0    4.3    2.5  2.5
三 、接收机
2、中间频率……第一中频  40.05 MHZ                   第二中频   455  KHZ
3、接收灵敏度……(12db  SINAD)-15db(0.18UV)
4、静噪开启灵敏度……-20ab (0.1UV)
5、音频输出功率……大于200 mW(8Ω10%失真时)
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Maritime Telecomms–U.S. VHF CHANNELS

Channel Number Ship Transmit MHz Ship Receive MHz Use
01A 156.050 156.050 Port Operations and Commercial, VTS.  Available only in New Orleans / Lower Mississippi area.
05A 156.250 156.250 Port Operations or VTS in the Houston, New Orleans and Seattle areas.
06 156.300 156.300 Intership Safety
07A 156.350 156.350 Commercial
08 156.400 156.400 Commercial (Intership only)
09 156.450 156.450 Boater Calling.  Commercial and Non-Commercial.
10 156.500 156.500 Commercial
11 156.550 156.550 Commercial.  VTS in selected areas.
12 156.600 156.600 Port Operations.  VTS in selected areas.
13 156.650 156.650 Intership Navigation Safety (Bridge-to-bridge).  Ships >20m length maintain a listening watch on this channel in US waters.
14 156.700 156.700 Port Operations.  VTS in selected areas.
15 156.750 Environmental (Receive only).  Used by Class C EPIRBs.
16 156.800 156.800 International Distress, Safety and Calling.  Ships required to carry radio, USCG, and most coast stations maintain a listening watch on this channel.
17 156.850 156.850 State Control
18A 156.900 156.900 Commercial
19A 156.950 156.950 Commercial
20 157.000 161.600 Port Operations (duplex)
20A 157.000 157.000 Port Operations
21A 157.050 157.050 U.S. Coast Guard only
22A 157.100 157.100 Coast Guard Liaison and Maritime Safety Information Broadcasts.   Broadcasts announced on channel 16.
23A 157.150 157.150 U.S. Coast Guard only
24 157.200 161.800 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
25 157.250 161.850 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
26 157.300 161.900 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
27 157.350 161.950 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
28 157.400 162.000 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
63A 156.175 156.175 Port Operations and Commercial, VTS.  Available only in New Orleans / Lower Mississippi  area.
65A 156.275 156.275 Port Operations
66A 156.325 156.325 Port Operations
67 156.375 156.375 Commercial.  Used for Bridge-to-bridge communications in lower Mississippi River.  Intership only.
68 156.425 156.425 Non-Commercial
69 156.475  156.475 Non-Commercial
70 156.525 156.525 Digital Selective Calling (voice communications not allowed)
71 156.575 156.575  Non-Commercial
72 156.625 156.625 Non-Commercial (Intership only)
73 156.675 156.675 Port Operations
74 156.725 156.725 Port Operations
77 156.875 156.875 Port Operations (Intership only)
78A 156.925 156.925 Non-Commercial
79A 156.975 156.975 Commercial.  Non-Commercial in Great Lakes only
80A 157.025 157.025 Commercial.  Non-Commercial in Great Lakes only
81A 157.075 157.075 U.S. Government only – Environmental protection operations.
82A 157.125 157.125 U.S. Government only
83A 157.175 157.175 U.S. Coast Guard only
84 157.225 161.825 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
85 157.275 161.875 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
86 157.325 161.925 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
AIS 1 161.975 161.975 Automatic Identification System (AIS)
AIS 2 162.025 162.025 Automatic Identification System (AIS)
88A 157.425 157.425 Commercial, Intership only.