Unit 1
1. 汤姆是个非常好奇的男孩,他不仅对"是什么"感兴趣,而且也对"为什么"和"怎么会"感兴趣。
A very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows.
2. 据史密斯教授说,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。
Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have.
3. 你最好把这本书放在你15岁的儿子找不到的地方。
You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on.
4. 这故事非常滑稽,比尔一边读一边不停地笑。
Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have.